Last week I had the privilege of signing a beautiful canvas that displayed the logo of the mission partnership between the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Indiana and the Mbandaka District of the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo. The canvas was to be a gift to our partner church in Mbandaka when a delegation from Indiana travels to Congo this week.
I had met the Principal Supervising Pastor (PSP, a regional minister to us American Disciple types) of the Mbandaka District when he and his wife spent a month in Indiana two years ago. Rev. ILUMBE Ndjongo and I struck up a fast friendship because Rev. Ilumbe also plays the guitar.
Rev. Ilumbe speaks no English, only French and Lingala. He plays the guitar like Elizabeth Cotten because he’s left handed. To him, I play the guitar upside-down and backwards.
He also writes songs. He writes of faith. He writes about life and ministry and people in Congo. While he was here, he shared that gift with me.
Although we spoke different languages and our chord shapes looked different, we turned to music as our preferred means of communication. He would show me the chords and give me an idea of the rhythm and tempo. I’d start to play while he sang and played congas. We found our connection, not in words but in music.
I wish we’d had more time to share music while Ilumbe was here, and I wish we’d had a chance to play without being in a public setting. Still, the times we shared are times well-remembered. We found our common language. Chords, rhythms and melodies forged a bond that will be hard to break.
I wish every blessing as he prepares to receive more visitors from Indiana.
Promise Road Coffee
This video with Rev. Ilumbe and Rosette was shot during a writer’s round at Promise Road Coffee in 2009. Pres Maxon and I accompany on What a Friend We Have in Jesus.