Five Pounds of Possum

Last week, Kara Kulpa came through town, stopping in Indy on her cross country tour with Kristen Ford. I was so thrilled that I was able to leave my Wednesday gig early enough to slide over to Lazy Daze Coffeehouse and catch a little bit of her set.

I met Kara a few years back through Robin Coleman (Segment of Society Promotions), and we just seemed to click from the get go. So whenever Kara makes a stop in Indy, I try to get out to see her.

This young woman is quite a talented singer, instrumentalist and songwriter. I was able to pick up a copy of her new CD, The Water’s Edge, but the real thrill of the evening was when she invited me to join her on stage to play Five Pounds of Possum.

Folks that know me and have followed my picking adventures also know how much I love this song. It’s just so much fun. Well, I can say honestly that this is the most fun I’ve had playing the possum song ever. Any more fun and, well, you should just see for yourself.

Visit Kara Kulpa online at