It was a status update from a friend on Facebook that rang true: “I’m going to take a two-week sabbatical on the boat, take my dulcimer along, and master aContinue readingMastering New Songs
Being a Visitor
I took a car trip yesterday. The errands I had to run took me in a particular direction, so I decided ahead of time to make a day trip ofContinue readingBeing a Visitor
Learning by Listening
We hung around backstage and listened to the other contestants as they played. It was a way of supporting one another, and yes, the temptation was there to draw comparisons.Continue readingLearning by Listening
Last week I had the privilege of signing a beautiful canvas that displayed the logo of the mission partnership between the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Indiana and theContinue readingLanguage
The Porch
After all was said and done, after the trophies had been handed out and the last set heard, I found myself back on the square, back on the porch inContinue readingThe Porch
The Contest
“It’s Merle Travis weekend,” I overheard from the breakfast table next to mine. “They have a contest out at the Folk Center today.” And there I was. The night before,Continue readingThe Contest
Mountain View
It was a long, pretty and uneventful drive from Greenwood, Ind., to Mountain View, Ark. The road took me across the Mississippi River near Cairo, and it was astounding toContinue readingMountain View
Donuts. Heath Bar Blizzards. Cheese coneys with no onions. Ah, the stuff of temptation. I’m not sure why, but the stuff of temptation seems to get stuffed into my face.Continue readingTemptation
More on Practice
Part of the work I do in ministry involves working with congregations in transformation, and I’ve found that the work of transformation is not that different from the work ofContinue readingMore on Practice
I was a much younger man when I first heard someone use the expression, “Practicing Christian,” to describe herself. It struck me as odd at the time because I hadContinue readingPractice