Ha! That’s it! Hold it right there! Pronoun trouble. (Daffy Duck) Sometimes the little things make a huge difference. A few years ago, while I was living in Indiana, IContinue readingPronoun Trouble
Tenn Street Coffee and Books
Special places. The places where memories happen. I’ve found a few over the years. The Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill, Ky., is one. The Methodist Church in Metamora, Ind., isContinue readingTenn Street Coffee and Books
How Far Is It to Bethlehem?
A traditional English carol, offered with my prayers and best wishes for a blessed and happy Christmas. … Continue readingHow Far Is It to Bethlehem?
My tribe of Christians is the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The communion table serves as a central focus in almost all of our sanctuaries. Each time we gather forContinue readingTables
Thou Shalt Not
The fly continued to buzz around my head as my irritation with the insect increased. As I made the move to smack it, permanently resolving the situation, I was remindedContinue readingThou Shalt Not
God Ain’t No Stained Glass Window
Kathy Mattea released her first album in 1984. The last track on that debut album was the Mark Germino song, God Ain’t No Stained Glass Window. Not only did I fallContinue readingGod Ain’t No Stained Glass Window
Sacred Space
And when we find ourselves in the place just right, ‘Twill be in the valley of love and delight. A few years ago, on Sunday morning of the Metamora Old TimeContinue readingSacred Space
Time of Your Life
It’s a special thrill when you meet gifted musicians and share a connection from the very beginning. We chatted online before we met on Saturday morning. We ran through the song once in rehearsal and then gave this performance. … Continue readingTime of Your Life
Sara’s Story
In 1983, I was the victim of a break-in at my home. My guitars—I owned two at the time—and my stereo system were stolen. The tools for music were gone. AContinue readingSara’s Story
Play Your Heart
Saturday night on the labyrinth at First Christian Church in Colorado Springs, something unusual happened. The part of my brain that stores and retrieves song lyrics, the part that earnedContinue readingPlay Your Heart