The opening of the Acoustic Music Series at the Pixy Theatre was an absolute blast. Patchwork (Rick Garrett and Holly Smith) and I always have a lot of fun whenContinue readingHighlights from the Pixy Theatre
Ain’t Misbehavin’
Last night (June 17), Patchwork (Rick Garrett and Holly Smith) and I were together again. We shared the stage for the inaugural concert of the Summer Acoustic Music Series atContinue readingAin’t Misbehavin’
Peace in the Valley
On Sunday, May 22, friends and fellow Disciples from Indiana embarked on a journey to Mbandaka in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They visited partner congregations there and carried withContinue readingPeace in the Valley
An Audience of 40,000
Yes, it’s true. I played in front almost 40,000 people in downtown Indianapolis this morning. I kept playing, and they just kept moving through. Over 35,000 people participated in theContinue readingAn Audience of 40,000
The Guitar Bra
On a recent trip, my friends David and Michelle Soruco from Southport Christian Church saw some guitarists with these interesting accessories on their guitars. [weaver_youtube] The artist that makesContinue readingThe Guitar Bra